Hi, I'm Maya,
a web & mobile

Proficient in a wide range of front-end web and mobile technologies, including HTML, JavaScript, React.js, React Native, Expo, Next.js, Vue.js, Astro.js, CSS, TailwindCSS and Nativewind.
I am passionate about continuously exploring innovative approaches to designing and developing visually appealing and highly functional user interfaces.

Learn More


Blog with Headless CMS

Built with ReactJS, NextJS 13, Tailwind CSS, GraphQL and Hygraph for content management. The blog is called CodeMind and has featured and recent posts... Read more

  • NextJS
  • ReactJS JavaScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Hygraph GraphQL

React Native Expo app

Full-stack mobile application with React Native Expo (frontend) and Appwrite (backend). The app provides a video-sharing experience with user authenti... Read more

  • React Native Expo
  • JavaScript
  • Appwrite
  • Nativewind

MERN Finance Dashboard

MERN Finance Dashboard application developed with React and TypeScript, with the added benefit of Machine Learning predictions for revenue. The state ... Read more

  • ReactJS JavaScript TypeScript
  • MUI Recharts CSS
  • NodeJS ExpressJS
  • Mongo DB

Hacker News

This is a clone of the Y Combinator HackerNews website built in vanilla Javascript. This project includes data request from API Endpoint, separate pag... Read more

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS


I have experience working with a diverse range of web development technologies from Front-End and Design to Back-End.

  • Front-End

    Experience with
    React.js, React Native, Expo, NextJS, Vue.js, Astro.js

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node.js, Ruby, Rails, MySQL, SQL

  • UI/UX

    Experience with
    Figma, Tailwind, Nativewind, Sass

About Me

I've always been interested in technology and coding. At first, I started with learning the basics of HTML, CSS, responsive design and JavaScript. I practiced by coding simple web pages and projects.
Once I had a solid foundation, I moved onto more complex technologies like React, Next.js, Node.js, and databases. I started small and built static web pages, forms, and animations. As my skills improved, I took on more challenging projects, including full-stack web applications from scratch.
Along the way, I also learned the importance of staying organized and disciplined in coding and always acquiring new skills. It requires determination but with hard work anything is possible.

Personal Acomplishments

Full-Stack Apps

Launched a personal blog

MERN application


JavaScript, TypeScript



Libraries & Frameworks

ReactJS, React Native, Expo, NextJS, VueJS, AstroJS, MUI, TailwindCSS


NodeJS, ExpressJs

GraphQl, Ruby on Rails

Mongodb, Hygraph

Innovative Designs, Flawless Functionality